Complete the intake process.

Start Therapy

Here’s what happens next.

If you’re on this page, you’ve already completed the preliminary intake form, and you want to know what to do next. If you haven’t sent that form yet, what are you waiting for?

If this is your first visit to my website and you’ve stubbled onto this page without knowing anything about me or my services, I’d like to point you to the navigation menu at the top of the website. Most of your questions will be answered under the Psychotherapy Services tab, the About tab and the FAQs tab.

Step 1. Complete the intake forms.

I will send you links to these forms as soon as you send your preliminary intake form and I accept you as a client. Please note that you will not formally be considered a client until all intake forms have been completed.

  • Informed consent agreement

  • Identity verification form

  • Financial agreement

  • Insurance opt-out form

  • Credit card authorization form

  • Biopsychosocial history (see Step 3)

Let's be honest. Everyone's least favorite part of starting therapy is reading and filling out the intake documents. I get it, but it's necessary in order to deliver a high quality of care. If possible, I recommend that you leave yourself a few days to read through and sign everything. Don’t try to memorize anything. We will go over the informed consent agreement and practice policies during your initial appointment, and you’ll have an oppotunity to ask questions.

You are entitled to a copy of any agreement you sign. I will provide you with a copy of your informed consent agreement upon your request.

Step 2. Create your login credentials.

Create your personal sign-in credentials for using teletherapy securely. You will need to either remember them or store them somewhere no one else can find them, and be able to retrieve them when needed. These credentials will include a username and passwords, passcodes, and/or passphrases.

  • Password:

    A combination of letters, numbers, and symbols, generally 6-20 characters. The more characters and the more variety, the safer the password.


    Typically a short sentence, such as “I like blue bikes.”


    Can be either a password or a passphrase.

    Passwords, passphrases, and passcodes are case sensitive. You can find helpful tips on how to create safe passwords, passcodes, and passphrases in my HIPAA notice of privacy practices.

    For my teletherapy practice, you will need three sign-in credentials:

    1. An identity verification passcode (IVP). We use this code in sessions, forms, and communications so I can confirm that you are you and not someone posing as you to get access to your personal information. You will create the identity verification passcode (IVP) when you fill out your initial contact form. The IVP can be one word, a combination of words, or a short phrase. It should be easy for you to remember but not easy for someone who knows you to guess. You will also use this IVP to view encrypted emails. For details on how this works, please read my identity verification policies and procedures.

    2. A password for your Gmail account (the Gmail address is your user name). This gives you access to your therapy records, your private e-library, and the HIPAA-secure Google Chat app, which we can use as a backup if the iPlum app is doing a service update. You will not share this password with me and should not share it with anyone else. You can use the Gmail account you’ve already got or set up a new one just for therapy-related emails. Note that personal gmail is not HIPAA-secure and should only be used for communications regarding appointments and payments, communications that are exempted from HIPAA rules in order to facilitate provision of services.

    3. A password for signing into the iPlum app. We will use this app for texts, phone calls, and faxes, because it keeps our communications encrypted and HIPAA-secure. You will not share this password with me and should not share it with anyone else. Once I have received your initial contact form, I will send you a text with an invitation to connect via iPlum. That text will come to the mobile number you provide on your initial contact form, and you’ll be prompted to install the app. If you’d like additional information to help you get acclimated to the iPlum app, you’ll find it on my tech trainings page.

Step 3. Biopsychosocial History

Choose whether you would like to complete the biopsychosocial history before our first session or complete it with me during our first session.  It’s up to you.

The purpose of the biopsychosocial history is to help me get a clear picture of where you're at, including what you've gone through up to now, what may have contributed to the circumstances that prompted you to seek therapy, and what problems you need to solve in your life. The more honest and thorough you are, the better equipped I will be to help you.

  • Advantages of completing it before the first session:

    • It will save you time and money,because we can delve into therapy in your first session.

    • Reading your responses in advance of our first session makes it possible for me to prepare suggestions for your treatment plan at that first session.

    If you decide to complete the biopsychosocial history before our first session, please note that it will take 1-2 hours to complete, depending on the detail in your answers. When possible, please send the completed form two days prior to your first session so I can review it thoroughly.

    Advantages of completing it during the first session:

    • Completing the biopsychosocial history together gives us a chance to talk in depth about what has brought you to therapy.

    • The conversations that stem from your answers to the questions on your biopsychosocial history are an excellent time opportunity for us to start building our therapeutic relationship.

    If you would prefer to complete this history with me in our first session, please note that the session will likely take longer. There will be no extra fee for the longer session time. However, I will need to set aside that extra time during our initial session, so please let me know in advance if that’s what you’d like to do.

Step 4. Schedule your initial session.

You will schedule all appointments directly through me via text and/or email. I will schedule your first session as soon as you have completed all of the intake forms.

  • Your initial session includes more than the session:

    • First session: 60-120 minutes

    • Intake documents: Informed consent, good faith estimate, biopsychosocial history, initial assessments, clinical evaluation

    • Tech orientation and setup: HIPAA-compliant text, email, phone, and video conferencing, getting in touch

    • Planning: Scheduling, session frequency, treatment plan, emergency management plan, payment method

    • Discussion about the customized therapeutic content I will include in your personalized, private e-library. See my FAQs page to learn what’s in your e-library.

  • Based on the preferences you checked on your initial contact form, I will send you date and time options for our first session.

    Our first session will be anywhere from 60-120 minutes, so be sure to set aside two hours for your appointment. The initial session fee is the same whether we meet for one hour or two.

    Your appointment is not confirmed until payment is received (Exception: Open Path clients will pay at the start of each session). Payment must be received no later than 24 hours before the scheduled appointment or the appointment will be canceled. I will send you a payment link when you schedule.

    I will send you a session link once I receive notification confirming your payment.

    When you pay for your initial session, you will be prompted to save your payment information in Square's secure payment system. Saving it at that time means we won’t have to spend time setting it up during your initial session.

As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.