Meet Addiction Recovery Therapist, Michelle Robin Gould, LMHC, NCC, BC-TMH, Florida Therapist

I specialize in high-level support for adults recovering from addiction, trauma, and anxiety.

You’re looking for a therapist who’s got years of training and experience as a substance use therapist with a concierge-level approach to personalizing therapy so you feel like the special person that I believe you are. I can give you all that. But the asset that makes me the right therapist for you is that in addition to being a skilled therapist, I am also a person in long term recovery.

Like many of my clients, I understand resistance to change, because I’ve experienced it first-hand. I know what it’s like to think you’re not in denial about anything and find out exactly what’s holding you back from the life you wish you had. My clients want tools that will help them take that leap from beign stuck in old patterns that haven’t worked to feeling good about trying new ways. I know how to present those tools with conviction and compassion. I’m told I put a lot of heart into my work, and that it comes across in my sessions. 

Choosing a therapist is an emotional decision. You want to feel comfortable with the person you’re talking to in your most vulnerable moments. Clients describe me as someone who speaks the words they need to hear in gentle ways. I describe myself as someone who doesn’t hesitate to call you out when you’re self-sabotaging, but does so with empathy and tact.

Michelle Robin Gould LMHC inspired

I have the knowledge and experience to help you navigate the recovery world. Have you found it challenging to figure out which recovery program works best for you? I’m not the kind of therapist who just tells you what to do. I’ll explain the different types of recovery communities there are and how to try out your options. We’ll talk about which tools and programs might work for you in particular, and I’ll be there to answer your questions when you start building your support system. 

My Job

  • Challenge you

We have a saying in recovery: My best thinking is what got me here. The moment you entertain the possibility that there’s another way to do things, that’s a huge turning point in your recovery. That’s where your transformation begins.

Finding A Therapist

Am I the right therapist for you? We are a good fit if:

  • You think you might have a problem with alcohol, prescriptions, or other drugs.

    Or maybe you've been in recovery from addiction for a while, but it seems like the only thing that's changed is that you're not using. That’s not enough anymore. You want to feel better about yourself. You want a therapist who knows how to take your recovery to the next level.

  • You set goals but you don't follow through, and this bothers you.

    You believe in spending time on personal growth and self-improvement, but you want to balance challenging yourself with self-compassion. It feels like you’ve forgotten who you are and why you should get up in the morning. You’re hoping therapy will give you the push you need to move forward.

  • You are inundated with intrusive thoughts and you want to shut them the hell up.

    You live with stress and anxiety every single day, and you want to learn how to manage them better. You've read a lot about coping skills, but you’ve tried to work them into your life and you haven’t been successful. You want a therapist who can help you find confidence, self-efficacy, and peace-of-mind.

  • You need a low-risk place to practice being a person.

    You need a safe place to practice your interpersonal skills, critical thinking skills, and recovery skills so you can connect what you learn in therapy with how to use it in the real world. You want a therapist who will role play with you and get you to the point where therapy is a choice and not a necessity.

Our Focus in Therapy

We are going to shift the focus from what you feel is wrong with you to what is already right. That doesn’t mean we are going to ignore the problems or deny the thoughts and behaviors that get you into trouble. It means we are not going to obsess about them. We are going to focus on solutions.

You want things to change, but you’re not sure where to start.

Change is about choice and action.

I’m going to help you sort through what to keep and what to change.

Choice is your superpower.

We are a team. Let’s do this thing.

Are you a detail person?

Here’s the nitty gritty on my training, education, and credentials.

  • Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), State of Florida. See my license.

    National Certified Counselor (NCC), National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc.

    Board-Certified TeleMental Health Provider (BC-TMH), Center for Credentialing & Education

    Ongoing Education

    I maintain my license and certifications with continuing education throughout the year. Feel free to look at the log of professional counseling workshops I have attended recently.

  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP), Evergreen Certifications

    Certification in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (C-DBT), Evergreen Certifications

    SFBT Diamond Level 1 Certification, The Solution Focused Universe

    Working with Trauma: Digital Credential, Mental Health Academy

    TeleMental Health Training Certificate (THTC) from Telehealth Certification Institute

  • Doctoral Candidate, Instructional Design and Technology, Nova Southeastern University. Expected graduation: December 2025.

    2017 MA, Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media, Nova Southeastern University

    2012 MS, Mental Health Counseling, Nova Southeastern University

    1993 BA, Social Psychology, Florida Atlantic University

    1993 Women's Studies Certificate, Florida Atlantic University

    1991 AA, Psychology, Palm Beach Junior College

  • Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (FMHCA)

    Mental Health Counselor's Association of Palm Beach (MHCAPB)

    Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS)

    Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)

    Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE)

  • I graduated with my mental health counseling degree in 2012. Back when I was in school, I was required to complete a year-long practicum at a treatment site. This practicum is analogous to a doctor going through a residency. As a counselor-to-be, I was placed at a substance use treatment facility where it was my privilege to witness the spirit and courage of people fighting addiction, stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma. There is a flow to recovery - a process that is noble and humbling and beautiful to watch. I chose to specialize in addiction recovery, stress & anxiety, and personal growth in my private practice because I wanted to look forward to going to work every day. I get to watch the most incredible transformations happen for people through this work, and it is easy to be passionate about my job.

    Aside from the counseling profession, my favorite jobs were:

    • Over 20 years as a licensed nail technician because I got to talk to people all day and make them feel special and cared for

    • Two years as a trade school educator because I got to empower adults seeking new or second careers

    • Working as a PBX switchboard operator and receptionist because I got to help people make connections

  • Gould, M. R. (2020). Collegiate recovery programs: Stepping up to meet the need for distance service support during the COVID-19 pandemic. Distance Learning Journal, 17(3), 1-15.

    • Profile of the adaptations made by collegiate recovery programs (CRPs) to continue vital student support services online during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Gould, M. R. (2020). Thank You for Letting Me Share. In C. Lutkewitte, Writing in a Technological World, (pp. 345-353). Routledge.

    • Guide to Netiquette and intellectual property rights on social media.

    Gould, M. R. (2015). Resources for students with disabilities. The Current. Nova Southeastern University.

    • Information on university resources for students with physical disabilities.

    Gould, M. R. (1996-2002).. Contributing Editor. Nailpro Magazine.

    • 50+ business articles on technique/skills, customer service, career advancement, sales, management, careers, salon & product critique, research & design, manufacturing, trends, education, licensing, marketing, and income. Published in 14 countries in English, German, and Russian.

Recovery is possible.

Step outside your comfort zone and build a life you treasure.

Are you ready? Reach out now.

If you’ve got Qs, I’ve got As.

See my FAQ library.