Strategies and support from a therapist who knows both addiction and recovery.
Alcohol and Drug Counseling
Addiction Treatment in Boca Raton, Florida and Online throughout Florida.
Why are you here?
Some of the initial questions I ask my clients are, Why are you here? Why now? What do you hope to gain from therapy?
These are the answers I hear most often. I’m willing to bet that at least one of them is going to resonate with you.
I want to stay sober. If I can just get a little time sober, everything will work itself out.
I want to be happy.
I don't know who I am.
I want my family to trust me again.
I want to be more confident.
I want to make my own decisions.
I want peace of mind.
Sound familiar?

The Right Fit
How do you know if you’re in the right place?
My practice is a good fit for you if you are ready to get off the emotional rollercoaster, repair your relationships with family and friends, and get your career back on track.
Whether you think you might have an addiction to alcohol or other drugs but you're not sure, you're just out of rehab and you need some extra support, or you’re the parent or partner of someone in active addiction, I can show you how to recover your life.
If you’ve already got some time in recovery and you're ready to take your recovery to the next level, I’ve got the tools for you, too.
What does addiction look like?
Do you feel that you're losing control over your emotions? Think about the last time you made an emotional decision. You may feel your life is dominated by frustration, resentment, anger, irritability, and conflicts.
Do you feel like you're out of touch with the things that are important to you? You're overthinking to the point of avoiding decisions and actions, and you have trouble setting goals because you feel powerless.
Have your relationships suffered — with your friends, your family, and even yourself? Do you feel more shame, guilt, or fear than you used to? It may be hard to get honest with yourself about how deep this problem goes.
These battles are all steps along the path of addiction.
I am here to help you fight those battles.
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment
Addiction takes many forms, and they are not all related to substance use. It is possible for you to have both substance addictions — such as alcohol, illegal drugs, and prescription medications, and behavioral addictions, also known as process addictions — such as codependency, compulsive shopping, and excessive internet use. I work with both.
Dual Diagnosis
We may not realize the connection between our substance use and our mental health. Often, that connection comes from a history of trauma. Because of stressors in our homes and workplaces, it’s more common than you might think to receive a mental health diagnosis along with diagnosis of a substance use disorder. That's why I specialize in dual diagnosis - therapy for addiction recovery and co-occurring mental health disorders.
There are many diagnoses that appear alongside drug and alcohol addiction.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Depressive Disorders
Panic Disorder
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Psychotic illness
Borderline Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Active addiction mimics a lot of the symptoms of mental health disorders. I find that when we deal with the stressors, triggers, and trauma, some clients no longer fit the criteria for the co-occuring disorders they thought they had. Others realize that these mental health disorders are what led them into addiction in the first place. Sorting it all out is a validating and comforting experience.
Life in Recovery
There are so many positive changes you can expect to see through recovery and the work that we do together.
You will get comfortable with your feelings. You will learn to manage your emotions instead of letting them manage you.
You will repair the damage to your relationships and start to build new relationships - healthy, satisfying relationships. You will learn to set and keep healthy boundaries around how you treat others, and how others treat you.
You will start to think more clearly. Your memory and focus will improve. Your senses will sharpen and you will start to develop more confidence in your decisions. You will have more energy, less muscle tension, and less anxiety.
Your physical health will improve as you change how you treat your mind and body. Your skin will clear up, you will sleep better, and you won’t get sick as often.
You will start to notice something you haven’t had for a while: Stability.

I’ll tell you a secret.
All addiction, whether it's a substance addiction or a behavioral addiction, is about the same thing: Feelings.
People use substances and behaviors to escape feelings, or to find a way to have feelings they see other people having and wish that they could have. I’ll help you find other ways to cope - ways that won’t damage your relationships, jeopardize your job, or lead to a downward spiral of shame and guilt. I’ll give you the tools to manage your recovery with confidence.
Are you looking for an addiction therapist?
My clients tell me they feel more comfortable with a therapist who has lived experience, because I know what’s it’s like to live in active addiction and what it’s like to live in active recovery.
I can teach you how to live a happy life in recovery because I’ve successfully done it myself.
You are not alone. I see what you are going through and I understand how you feel, because I went through it. I am here to guide you. I schedule appointments seven days a week, because addiction doesn’t take a holiday.
I will help you dissect the reasons behind your addiction. We will acknowledge the things you don’t like about your feelings and actions, and we will take steps to help you accept the past, forgive yourself, and move forward toward your dreams and goals. We will focus on solutions by identifying your strengths and building on them.
If you’re in a head space where you do not feel as though you have many strengths, I promise you right now that you do, and I will help you recognize and expand on them.
Addiction and Therapy
Imagine how incredible your life can look once our work together builds your self-worth, your confidence, and your control over your choices.
Conquer the limiting beliefs that keep you from moving forward.
Learn to name and express your feelings.
Gain control over your moods and how they disrupt your life.
Counteract your tendency to overthink, and get past feeling trapped or stuck.
Live a full life in recovery.
It’s time to step out from under the black cloud and stop dreading life.
Need an experienced drug and alcohol counselor?
That’s me. This has been my speciality area since I earned my counseling degree in 2012.
Email me today, and let’s get started.